The ITENOS Factor

The secret of your successful digitization: our team

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The ITENOS Factor

#1 Experienced and competent

Discover more stories from our experts
Cornelius' Story

Cornelius Bormann, Senior Site Manager Data Center

When people benefit from the experience and expertise of others, it makes not only the individual but the entire team better. This is why I’m thrilled to be able to pass on my knowledge – whether for the ideal air conditioning in data center FRA1 or as a trainer out on the soccer field. Ten years of experience have taught me that only those who constantly develop themselves can inspire spectators and customers alike and celebrate mutual success with them.

Dirk's Story

Dirk Niehaus, Product Manager

Always hit the right note – that’s my maxim, and not just in music. My experience enables me to make the right decisions both in my hobby and in my professional life in product management. There are often many different parameters and nuances that influence the result. With my know-how, I carefully weigh the options to achieve the best result for our customers.

Sofina's Story

Sofina Hell, Project Manager

When dealing with a classic car, I rely on my many years of experience with the subject. My strength is also the appropriate background knowledge. I also approach the management of projects in everyday professional life with routine and the appropriate tact for optimal results.

Bernd's Story

Bernd Weber, Product Manager

I’ve been a project manager for more than 20 years. As an experienced skipper, I navigate your IT projects to safe havens. But that’s never something I do alone! Just like sailing, you need a team in IT that you can rely on and that has different skills that complement each other. Only with a well-practiced crew, dangerous cliffs can be safely navigated and projects be brought to a successful conclusion.

The ITENOS Factor

#1 Experienced and competent

Cornelius' Story

Cornelius Bormann, Senior Site Manager Data Center

I’m thrilled to be able to pass on my knowledge – whether for the ideal air conditioning in data center FRA1 or as a trainer out on the soccer field.

Dirk's Story

Dirk Niehaus, Product Manager

Hitting the right notes through experience. In music, as in product management, there are many tweaks and nuances that affect the result.

Sofina's Story

Sofina Hell, Project Manager

Years of experience, background knowledge and tact: Not only vintage cars benefit from this, but also my professional projects. 

Bernd's Story

Alexander Schmitz, Chief Security Officer
and Daniel Gawenda, System Engineer

We work in very different areas of ITENOS. What connects us is our fascination for diving. And in diving, one thing always has priority: all processes must go hand in hand. The preparation, the dive and the follow-up are all done with a partner – and this mutual cooperation is vital. The same partnership is also needed on the job! No matter whether you want to guarantee quality and security or ensure that operation and development work optimally together.

The ITENOS Factor

#2 Cooperative and pragmatic

Jörn's Story

Jörn Krinelke, Account Manager

As an account manager, it is important that I know exactly what my customers need: From acquisition to quoting to closing the deal. The basis of business success is a trustful cooperation based on partnership. Just as my dog can blindly rely on me, I always support my clients with pragmatic approaches.

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Amir's Story

Amir Sartagh, Teamlead Purchasing

Step by step, the road leads to the goal. In business, as in the game of boules, this often requires a lot of patience. But patience does not mean stagnation – on the contrary. The most important thing is to work steadily towards success. The same applies to my work: you can only win if you proceed cooperatively and pragmatically, so that projects can be placed in a targeted manner.

Alexander's and Daniel's Story

Alexander Schmitz, Chief Security Officer
and Daniel Gawenda, System Engineer

We work in very different areas of ITENOS. What connects us is our fascination for diving. And in diving, one thing always has priority: all processes must go hand in hand. The preparation, the dive and the follow-up are all done with a partner – and this mutual cooperation is vital. The same partnership is also needed on the job! No matter whether you want to guarantee quality and security or ensure that operation and development work optimally together.

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Jörn's Story

Jörn Krinelke, Account Manager

The basis of business success is a trustful cooperation based on partnership. My customers can always rely on me.

Amir's Story

Amir Sartagh, Teamlead Purchasing

Step by step, the road leads to the goal. This often requires a lot of patience. I work steadily towards success – in my job as well as in the game of boules.

Alexander's and Daniel's Story

Alexander Schmitz, Chief Security Officer
and Daniel Gawenda, System Engineer

In diving and in business everything must go hand in hand. This is why we rely on continuous exchange in quality and safety as well as in operations and development.

The ITENOS Factor

#3 Resourceful and solution-focused

Discover more stories from our experts
Christian's Story

Christian Schake, Energy Manager

The right idea counts: In padel, split-second decisions often count. Where is the ball coming from, where is my opponent, how can I get the best spin? You have to stay focused and react to the situation. It’s similar with energy supply: Electricity is literally in transit. That’s why I make sure that the energy supply in our company is guaranteed at all times and that our customers benefit from good ideas in the long term.

Peter's Story

Peter Metz, System Engineer

Many individual components, no matter how small, form a complete work of art when put together correctly. This applies not only to my hobby, but also to IT, where every result is based on countless components. With the right ideas, systems engineering ensures optimal solutions – no matter how complex the requirements may be.

Arif's Story

Arif Polat, Market Development and Interconnection Strategy Manager

What do chess and my job at ITENOS have in common? You have to make the right move at the right time. When I prepare a chess move, I have the pace of each piece in mind and anticipate all possible courses of the game. This is also reflected in business life: complex tasks spur us on, fuel not only our resourcefulness but also our innovative capabilities. This is how we develop strategies and solutions that always think at least one step ahead.

Thomas' Story

Thomas Wolpert, Head of Accountmanagement

No game is quite like another – neither in the card game skat nor in customer support. My trump card: I’m able to build a hand even from a mixed deck. But that only works when you draw the right conclusions from the information available and score points with new ideas. It’s my job to help customers find out what they need and how they can make the most out of their strengths. No matter which hand you give us – we’ll play it!

The ITENOS Factor

#3 Resourceful and solution-focused

Christian's Story

Christian Schake, Energy Manager

In padel tennis and in energy supply, you always have to react to the circumstances in a focused way. In this way, our customers can benefit from good ideas in the long term.

Peter's Story

Peter Metz, System Engineer

Not only in my hobby, but also in IT, every result is based on countless building blocks. With creative ideas and innovative approaches, I provide optimal solutions as a systems engineer.

Arif's Story

Arif Polat, Market Development and Interconnection Strategy Manager

What do IT and chess have in common? Our resourcefulness grows with the complexity of the tasks we face. This is how we develop strategies that always think at least one step ahead.

Thomas' Story

Thomas Wolpert, Head of Accountmanagement

I help customers to find out what they need and how they can make the most out of their strengths. No matter which hand you give us, we’ll play it!

The ITENOS Factor

#4 Customized and tailor-made

Ibrahim's Story

Ibrahim Sönmezoglu, Incidentmanager Professional

A lot in life depends on your point of view. As a hobby photographer, I’m always aware of this. I look at an interesting subject from different angles before I light and photograph it precisely. The same goes for my job as an incident manager: I look at different options before working with my team to create a customized solution that fits the problem and helps our customer with pinpoint accuracy.

Marie's Story

Marie Punzet, Order Management

During the 5th season, everyone likes to show their colorful side. In my role as Funkenmariechen, I spread good vibes. As a distinctive feature, I wear my costume, which is of course tailor-made for the perfect fit – just like all the orders I process for our customers.

Daniela's Story

Daniela Freistein, Purchasing Advisor

My hobby, knitting, requires patience and persistence. Just as every stitch in a tailored sweater has to fit, I have to keep the yarns together at work in order to be able to make strategic purchases over the long term. Left stitches, right stitches, different yarns – in the end, it all adds up to an exciting, well-made arrangement. It’s the same when it comes to selecting our suppliers and drafting contracts. The best technical products and contractual elements come together to form a coherent big picture.

Richard's Story

Richard Sins, Management Assistant

As a hobby barkeeper, I love being able to bring a smile to the face of whoever I’m serving. Every customer – and every employee at ITENOS – should get exactly what’s best for them personally. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions! I don’t decide if the cocktail is shaken or stirred – that’s up to the customer. The result is a very special cocktail – or simply the right mix of perfectly fitting modules for your IT.

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Ibrahim's Story

Ibrahim Sönmezoglu, Incidentmanager Professional

As a hobby photographer, I look for the right angle. Even in my job as an incident manager, I always look at different options to find the right solution.

Marie's Story

Marie Punzet, Order Management

As a Funkenmariechen, I spread good vibes – and in order management, I ensure happy customers with tailor-made orders.

Daniela's Story

Daniela Freistein, Purchasing Advisor

My hobby, knitting, requires patience and persistence. In the same way, I hold the threads of strategic purchasing together for a coherent big picture.

Richard's Story

Richard Sins, Management Assistant

As a hobby barkeeper, I mix individual cocktails. At ITENOS, we deliver the right mix of perfectly fitting solution modules for your IT.

The ITENOS Factor

#5 Fast and secure

Discover more stories from our experts
Frank's Story

Frank Reiferscheid, Head of Processes & IT and Digital Office

Speed is the key – in cycling, it is important to act quickly and with foresight. But digitalization is also accelerating rapidly and at the same time requires maximum security in order to remain competitive. Whether I am on my racing bike or in my role as Head of Processes & IT and Digital Office, I always keep an eye on the current framework conditions so that I can reach my destination quickly and safely.

Claudia's Story

Claudia Posselt, Operational Buyer

On my skis, I want to master the slopes not only quickly, but above all safely. This has parallels to my position as an operational purchaser: When procuring hardware or other equipment for our customers, it’s not just about reliability, but also about how quickly we can deliver the result.

Thomas' Story

Thomas Schreiner, Head of Technology

If there’s a fire, I’m immediately on the spot! This is as true for my role as a volunteer firefighter as it is for my job as Head of Operations in the ITENOS data center. Whether it’s a fire alarm or an IT malfunction: you have to have an immediate overview of the situation to act thoroughly, fast and secure. This is only possible because I work together with my colleagues and customers in a professional and trustful manner – every move has to fit. In this way, we’re able to put out many fires before they get started, and ensure that everything takes its usual course.

The ITENOS Factor

#5 Fast and secure

Frank's Story

Frank Reiferscheid, Head of Processes & IT and Digital Office

In cycling, speed is key. In my job as Head of Processes & IT and Digital Office, it is also important to act quickly and with foresight.

Claudia's Story

Claudia Posselt, Operational Buyer

Reaching the destination quickly and safely. Reliability and speed play an important role in skiing as well as in operational purchasing.

Thomas' Story

Thomas Schreiner, Head of Technology

If there’s a fire, I’m immediately on the spot! This is as true for my role as a volunteer firefighter as it is for my job as Head of Operations in the ITENOS data center. Whether it’s a fire alarm or an IT malfunction: you have to have an immediate overview of the situation to act thoroughly, fast and secure. This is only possible because I work together with my colleagues and customers in a professional and trustful manner – every move has to fit. In this way, we’re able to put out many fires before they get started, and ensure that everything takes its usual course.

The ITENOS Factor

#6 Comprehensive and reliable

Saskia's Story

Saskia Martens, Project Manager

What drives me in my daily work? There’s a simple answer: to provide reliable help – always exactly where it’s needed. This applies just as much to my work for the THW, for example in flooded areas, as it does to my work at ITENOS. Here, I deal comprehensively with a wide variety of topics in project management and always provide active and supportive assistance to the team in customer projects.

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Holger's Story

Holger Haas, System Engineer

When it comes to climbing, it’s clear that every move has to be right. That’s the only way to master even the most difficult routes. It’s very similar in my job as a systems engineer: With a holistic view and the right planning, I can successfully implement complex customer projects.

Anja's Story

Anja Weiss, Operation Manager IT

I like to get things done – it’s simply in my nature. At home, the craftswoman in me regularly come to the fore. It’s the same in the office. Here, I’m confronted with all kinds of issues on a daily basis and I take responsibility for making sure that everything runs smoothly. It’s important to me to take all requests seriously and at the same time to keep an eye on the big picture.

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Saskia's Story

Saskia Martens, Project Manager

Providing reliable help in the right place – that applies to my work for THW just as much as it does to project management at ITENOS.

Holger's Story

Holger Haas, System Engineer

Every move has to be spot on. Whether it’s climbing or systems engineering, a holistic view and the right planning are essential.

Anja's Story

Anja Weiss, Operation Manager IT

At home, the craftswoman in me regularly comes to the fore. It’s the same in the office: I like to get things done and take responsibility for making sure everything runs smoothly.

The ITENOS Factor

#7 Authentic and passionate

Discover more stories from our experts
Iri's Story

Iris Hopp, Contract Management

I’m passionate about motorcycling. And day after day, I bring to my job the same passion that drives me to master challenging routes on the back of my Suzuki. For you, I watch over the entire contract management and ensure maximum transparency.

Danila's Story

Danila Pires, Contract Management

Whether on the dance floor or in the office – I do it always with authenticity and passion. I can express myself when I’m dancing. I bring the same enthusiasm to ITENOS as a contract manager working with my team.

The ITENOS Factor

#7 Authentic and passionate

Iri's Story

Iris Hopp, Contract Management

I bring to my job the same passion that drives me to master challenging motorcycle routes. For you, I watch over all of the IT contracts.

Danila's Story

Danila Pires, Contract Management

Whether on the dance floor or in the office, I am always authentic and passionate, both in my dancing and as a contract manager at ITENOS.

The making-of video of the shoot

Dare to take a look behind the scenes: Our making-of video shows what really makes us tick – always passionate about what we do, authentic and full of ideas. Experience the ITENOS Factor up close and with a little wink: That’s us.

Dare to take a look behind the scenes: Our making-of video shows what really makes us tick – always passionate about what we do, authentic and full of ideas. Experience the ITENOS Factor up close and with a little wink: That’s us.