
Session Border Controller

  • SIP-based voice integration
  • Voice transmission over the IP network
  • High-performance SBC as cloud service
  • Combined with ProtectService
  • All services from a single source

Voice transmission in data networks

VoIP and All-IP are the keywords of modern telecommunication technology and are particularly important for enterprises, because existing transmission methods are gradually being unified and converted to IP-based services. However, a high-performance session border controller (SBC) is indispensable in VoIP networks.

This network component is specifically designed for VoIP security – a sort of firewall that detects and blocks attackers.

What distinguishes ITENOS session border controller?

Drei cyanfarbener Pfeile, die aus einem Kreis entspringen
Certified processes
The variety of ISO certifications we offer demonstrates the high quality of our customized solutions and services
Schloss mit cyanfarbenem Verschluss
High level of data protection
Our data centers operate exclusively in Germany and safeguard your data in accordance with the strictest data protection and security requirements
Zwei dunkelblaue Personen mit einer cyanfarbenen Sprechblase
Top service
A service desk based locally in Germany is available to our customers around the clock to ensure smooth operation
Ein Zettel mit einer abgehakten To-Do-Liste, daneben liegt ein Kugelschreiber
Fast implementation
Your requirements will always be implemented quickly and without complications
Ein cyanfarbenes Plus bestehend aus 4 Pfeilen
Scalable solutions
We keep an eye on all customer scenarios and provide customized responses and personalized overall concepts
Dunkelblaues Schloss vor zwei dunkelblauen Menschen in einem cyanfarbenem Schild
Everything from a single source
As an independent IT service provider that is also part of the Deutsche Telekom Group, we offer competent and reliable solutions from a single source

Encrypted and und transcoded data

Besides the detection and blockage of attacks, the SBC supports encryption of signaling and voice data and transcoding (conversion to other formats). These functions are essential, because with Voice over IP (phone connections using the internet protocol) the voice signals are not transmitted via analogue phone lines, but instead transferred directly via an IP connection using the internet protocol.

This way, only one line is necessary for business data and telephony, which cuts costs. Furthermore, both voice integration and All-IP allow your company to exploit the full potential of innovative communication solutions. Modern IP-based solutions for Unified Communication and Collaboration (UCC) can improve communication and cooperation between your employees and locations.

However, the change also poses numerous challenges to your existing IT structures. We gladly support you with voice integration to ensure that your voice connections are securely integrated into data networks via a session border controller.

Voice integration in a tailored package

Using a session border controller is especially advantageous for companies with a branch structure. A central, redundant SBC that transfers the VoIP connections to enterprise network and carrier networks is worthwhile in that case.

For example, the ITENOS cloud session border controller has a direct connection to the Corporate SIP Germany platform of Deutsche Telekom. It is client-capable and enables SimCalls based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as well as off-net calls. Depending on customer requirements, we can also enable fax transmissions, encrypt voice communication, or set up on-net calls.

We position ourselves according to your specific requirements, and together we develop a tailored, need-based concept for voice integration within your company on the basis of our shared SBC.

Get in touch with us. We look forward to your project!

Bernd Weber

Product Manager

Contact us now and we will be happy to advise you on your individual project!

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